Corporate Social Responsibility

Benefiting business and community.

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The ECS Group is built upon values which guide our actions to conduct business in an ethical and socially accountable manner and are committed to protecting the environment, health, and safety of our employees; informing our CSR Policy.

ECS prioritises conducting business ethically and with social accountability. We are proactive with our CSR values in protecting the environment, ensuring the health and safety of our employees, and maintaining an internal CSR team.

Our actions have a ripple effect beyond ourselves, and as responsible members of the corporate community, we regularly evaluate these impacts to make informed and responsible CSR choices for the long-term.


Travel Reduction

Travel Reduction

Our staff utilises Teams as part of Office 365, to reduce carbon emissions from air and ground travel. We opt for conference calls over face-to-face meetings, where appropriate. This not only results in savings for telephone expenses and travel costs, but also helps us reduce emissions.

Energy Management - CSR Image

Energy Management

ECS office locations work hard to ensure we are responsible with our energy management. We have made improvements to ensure company activities offset energy consumption as much as possible. Within our Head Office in the UK, solar panels on-site generate over 37,000kWh of energy annually.

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ECS recycling systems prevent waste from going to landfill. Non-confidential waste is placed into recycling bins marked with the appropriate logo for recycling. Confidential waste is shredded by a certified company and is stored in a secured recycle bin prior to shredding.

ECS has worked closely with Trees for Life since 2019, helping us to plant trees in the Scottish Highlands where they will create homes for wildlife and forests for future generations.

Doing this work in Scotland is especially important to ECS for a number of reasons, namely as Scotland is where our company founder, Allan Monteath, was born, and serves as a reminder to us that no matter how far and wide we may grow; Scotland is a special place for us.

Trees for Life - CSR Image
0 Trees Planted

Governance and Social Responsibility

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Employees with Disabilities

As a company, ECS prioritises creating a supportive environment that empowers individuals with disabilities to excel in their careers by providing them with the necessary resources.

ECS hires qualified individuals without any discrimination towards disabilities, and makes the necessary accommodations to ensure their success and well-being.

Apprenticeships - CSR Image


Apprenticeships give the opportunity for younger people to work in a professional environment and learn the day-to-day tasks involved in different areas of the organisation.

In the UK we have offered successful apprenticeship schemes and hope to have apprentices regularly joining our support function teams.

Visit our Careers page for current apprenticeship opportunities.

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ECS introduced healthy eating initiatives such as easy access fruit as snacks to help our employees maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Our UK Head Office location is set within 17 acres of countryside, offering year round access to large outdoor spaces and clean fresh air. Investing in providing access to this kind of space and environment promotes better mental well-being, reduction in eye strain and headaches.

Workplace and Team Members

Diversity and Inclusivity Image

Diversity and Inclusivity

The ECS workforce consists of varied nationalities, ages, genders, gender identities, and sexual orientations.

At ECS, we acknowledge the value and advantages of having a diverse and inclusive team. Therefore, we welcome all qualified individuals to join us, regardless of their nationality, age, race, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

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93% Employee Satisfaction

As an employer our success is dependent on the hard work and contribution of each and every employee. We are therefore committed to ongoing employee engagement and taking the opportunity to listen to their feedback whilst engaging in conversation.

The results of our ECS Staff Satisfaction Score (Dec ’23) is 93%.

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Women at ECS

Attracting, retaining, and advancing women is critical to being a high-performing business. The number of women working at ECS represents 30% of our workforce; a fact that we are very proud of in such a male-dominated industry.

To support the goals and aspirations of our female team members, we strive to provide an environment and culture that develops, empowers and enables them to thrive.